As a city, Los Angeles was terrific and a place that I would definitely add to your travel list if you haven’t got it already. A city spanning many miles across the Californian landscape, you have a wide variety of things to do. You can head to numerous spectacular beaches, go hiking in the hills and look over the city, day or night, get lost in the huge immersive worlds and theme parks, party all night long in Hollywood with the stars or enjoy the unique scene scene that is Venice Beach. After a week, I didn’t even scratch the surface and there was so much more this city had on offer for me. For me, a perfect blend of the chaos that is Hollywood, the city and late night parties with the relaxing feel of the beaches, watching sunsets and unwinding at the end of the day. A magnificent city that I was very lucky to visit! Recommended? 100%! It should be on everyone’s travel list.
Location – The location of the hostel was perfect! Right on the boardwalk of Venice Beach, it gave brilliant views over the west facing beach, which gave you some brilliant sunset views whilst being able to watch the thriving local area buzz with people. In the day time you could hire everything you needed from the shop next door, be it bikes, long boards or stuff for the beach, or should you take a wander around, you had the varied entertainment right there on on your doorstep. With plenty of bars and places to eat in the local area, you weren’t short of options when it came to evening activities either. As for access to other places, it was only a 2 mile walk along the beach front and you were at Santa Monica Pier as well as the rest of Santa Monica, playing host to numerous more bars and places to eat.

The only issue I had was it seemed that the evening was very rushed and the host that we had for the bar crawl wasn’t the friendliest of people. Example being, often was the case that should people walk along a little slowly after a drink or two, the host would shout and push/drag people along. The other issue, which ties into this, the time allocated to each place wasn’t that long. With a closing time of 0200 for LA clubs, the late start didn’t allow an enjoyable amount of time in each place.
Price – Unfortunately, I can’t remember the exact price of this bar crawl but it was roughly in the region of $20-30 for the evening. Costs once in the bars depended on how much you wanted to drink but drinks started at a quite costly $5-10.

Equipment – As a gym, it has everything that you need to be able to get a full workout on any body part. It may not be the latest and most modern equipment but it has a lot of character and takes you back to the old school ways that have been used for decades. Though not brand new, the equipment is always serviceable, as the gym is looked after by the local authorities.
Atmosphere – Being inside the gym felt fairly unnerving and made me feel a little uncomfortable due to the mass of people walking by and taking photographs of the gym.

Some poor souls had the unfortunate pleasure of taking a picture next to the Muscle Beach sign whilst I was squatting in the background. No one needs that face in the background! Thankfully, when I was there, there were a couple of guys conducting a show on the bars so attention was drawn to them. Once you’ve settled into it thugh and gotten rid of the stage fright, it felt like an added pressure that pushes you on to perform well. A definite experience!
Price – $10 for a day pass, $50 for a week pass, $170 for a year pass.
Recommended? – If you’re into your fitness, definitely! Be it needing somewhere to train whilst travelling or wanting to experience the place.

Ye Old King’s Head
What great little find this was by the hostel staff for the start of an evening! Finding some home comforts whilst in a far away land isn’t ever a bad thing, especially when it’s your first big trip.
Decor – It was like being in a pub in England. The outside facade looked just like an English pub and inside even more so! Using traditional British paintings and decorations, whilst having the typical wooden beams and stone fireplace like many country pubs made the whole place quintessentially British and I loved it! It even has a set of dart boards! Just brilliant!
Food & Drinks – Whilst in other nations, I have experienced my own cuisine being mimicked by those that aren’t originally from England and though usually accurate, it’s never as good as home. Well, this place has an advantage over those; it has genuine British owners! Bring the UK to LA, they have the menu and food down to perfection to make it as authentic as possible.
To go along with the food, the bar is stocked with all your typical British favourites on tap whilst throwing in a collection of local produce to satisfy home and away. My favourite aspect is the fact that they stocked by favourite brand of tea, PG Tips.

The only thing this place was missing to fool me was the rain… Aside from the pub, there’s a gift shop and bakery should you want to take a little piece of England home with you.
Price – The menu and prices can be found here but you’re looking to be paying around $15 for a main meal.
Recommended? – I loved this place. If you’re English and want to get some home comforts, this is place to go when in LA. If you’re travelling and want to experience a touch of England without the price of the plane ticket, pay this place a visit and get a sense of what it’s like in the UK.
There we have it, a few reviews to get you started with some of the delights offered in Los Angeles. I realise that there’s a lot more on offer there that I didn’t get round to experiencing and is on a list for any future visits. I hope you’ve found this useful and if there’s anything from the story that you wish I had reviewed, get in touch and I’ll be sure to add it in or let you know my thoughts!