When it came to the evening, it was decided to take it easy, especially after the long journey and plan the week ahead with the activities on offer and ideas we had already come up with before the trip. So it was a chilled evening in the hostel, talk to those around us, inviting them along with what we had planned before he headed off to bed, ready for the day tomorrow!

Once all the excitement was done, it was time to move into the evening’s entertainment, which was to head out on a bar crawl of sorts with the ITH hostels, being lead by the sister hostel in the downtown area, the ITH Adventure hostel. This lead us through some of the cool and chilled out bars in San Diego’s Gaslamp District before we headed to a final bar/club. Giving an opportunity to talk to other travellers and experience the nightlife of another city is always good fun! The only thing that disappointed me about the evening, was the fact that the bar stopped the music and was getting people out not long after 1:30am?! Again, it felt like the night had been cut short somewhat like it had in Los Angeles.
This tour was run by one of the hostel staff members at the ITH Adventure hostel and consisted of us being taken around downtown San Diego and points of interest nearby, learning about the origins of the city, what sets it apart from others.

Travel Tip: If you're ever wondering how you can see the sights, learn about them and not have to pay a large free in any city you're visiting, look for free walking tours! These may be local companies or hosted by the hostel.

Stopping off for a spot of lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, we were in for a big surprise when the DJ duo of DVBBS pulled up in their vehicle and came to check in to the Hard Rock hotel. As one of our favoured acts from this year’s TomorrowLand, as they were rolling around on their swegways, we decided to say hello, which one of the brothers Alexandre came over, took a photo, had a chat and invited us on the guest list to see their show at Omnia that night!

The city on the other side of the border was Tijuana, a place once known for cheap alcohol and weekend escapades for under 21s but now becoming a city on the rise and changing its tourism to feature food, micro breweries and traditional sightseeing.
Our tour took us through Tijuana, first stopping off for some authentic Mexican food, which hit the spot nicely. Following that, we headed deeper into the city, stopping off at a local bar which seem to be a mainstay of this tour, having drinks and finding out more about those on the tour and the city itself. One of the worrying things during this part of the tour was our guide and only Spanish speaker was becoming more and more intoxicated to the point of stumbling around and slurring her words but onwards we pressed, nervously…
Eventually, we arrived at the main strip in the city, Revolucion, which played host to the bars, nightclubs and souvenir shops.

Our destination to finish the night before returning to the US, led by our drunk guide, was a place called El Torito. (Always reassuring when the entrance of the place boasts a large “Absinth” sign!) However, once looking around, there were an array of more “interesting” signs and establishments on offer here, as shown by the sign on the left here.
Once we got to the end of the night, it was a case of heading back to the border but this time having to go through some more stringent checks, before we headed back to the hostel. What an eventful day! (And another country ticked off too…)
Travel Tip: There are always lessons to be learnt from a trip. Though you may look back on certain events with regret, there's nothing you can do about it now so ensure you don't make the same mistake twice when it comes to future trips.

As an experience, it was thoroughly enjoyable and very informative, giving an insight into the battle that shaped the Pacific theatre of World War Two, the aircraft that have been flown from the ship in its long history and how life on board a US ship was for the men that served on her. Not only did the ship itself give you got an insight into the military capability of the States but you could see a row of aircraft carriers sat alongside across the harbour!
As the evening came around, it was planned to be an easy one again before we had an early start and a long coach journey north to San Francisco. The reason for deciding to go for a coach again was to lower the budget, as the internal flights were too expensive and would have broken the bank. What started off as chilling out in the hostel with a few of the other travellers, sharing stories, playing games and having a few drinks, ended up with a few of us heading across town to a chilled out gastropub, The Duck Dive, just shy of the beach front. A good evening of meeting some of the locals and having a laugh, rounding off my time in San Diego.
And there you have it, the story of my time in San Diego is complete and it was on to the next stop of San Francisco and Yosemite, which you can look forward to in the next instalment of these stories! However, next is the review blog attached to this one which comes out later this week. Stay tuned for that!
Overall it was quite an array of experiences, with a few unexpected ones! A very different feel to Los Angeles though still a very worthwhile stop. Also, a city that I didn’t make the most of at the time, though it taught me several lessons about travel, how I like to travel and what I can do to make the most of it in the future.