Week 4 of 4: Las Vegas, The Story

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”… until you put it into a blog! So I left off the San Francisco & Yosemite story with the shock that I had about the drive that we had coming up for us from Yosemite to Las Vegas so let's get straight back…

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Going Sober, Whilst at University

“Don’t be boring!”“Do you actually enjoy yourself and if so, how?!”“Why are you doing this to yourself?” These are amongst a few of the things that I have heard when people have found out that I don’t drink alcoholic drinks anymore, both at university and during my working life. Some people…

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Week 3 of 4: San Francisco & Yosemite, The Review

After reading the story, I’m sure you’re wanting to know what I would and wouldn’t recommend about my experience in San Francisco, whilst covering a few items that I missed but sincerely regret not doing whilst I was there and would be my priorities should I return to the city.  San…

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