Las Vegas on a Budget

The Gambling Capital of the World. The Entertainment Capital of the World. City of Lights. Sin City. Las Vegas. They say what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas but in this post, I’ll uncover some of the tips and tricks of how to firstly get to this spectacular place and then…

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Week 4 of 4: Las Vegas, The Story

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”… until you put it into a blog! So I left off the San Francisco & Yosemite story with the shock that I had about the drive that we had coming up for us from Yosemite to Las Vegas so let's get straight back…

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Going Sober, Whilst at University

“Don’t be boring!”“Do you actually enjoy yourself and if so, how?!”“Why are you doing this to yourself?” These are amongst a few of the things that I have heard when people have found out that I don’t drink alcoholic drinks anymore, both at university and during my working life. Some people…

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Week 3 of 4: San Francisco & Yosemite, The Review

After reading the story, I’m sure you’re wanting to know what I would and wouldn’t recommend about my experience in San Francisco, whilst covering a few items that I missed but sincerely regret not doing whilst I was there and would be my priorities should I return to the city.  San…

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