First Spartan Race – Lessons Learnt

For the past 5 years, I have competed in every edition of Tough Guy until it’s ending in 2017. (Did it really end? That’s up for debate! Especially now that it seems to be back again!). Since then I hadn't taken part in an Obstacle Course Race (OCR) but knew…

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Pros and Cons of Solo Travelling

Ever planned that amazing, once in a lifetime trip only to find there’s no one to go with?  Ever set some brilliant plans with friends, only for them to drop out at the last minute?Ever just wanted to get away and see somewhere new but were worried about doing it…

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Who Am I?

Firstly I would like to welcome you to the pages of the Quilty Covers, thank you for dropping by! This is going to be my space to cover my journeys, my sporting endeavours and general things I get up to in life. Here I will advise and review as well…

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