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Four Nootropic Drinks To Boost Productivity

In recent years, we have seen a huge increase in the number of products that promote the use of nootropics and adaptogens. With this sudden rise, it can be confusing as to what’s the best one to use, which ones are credible and which is going to give you best value for money.

Though it may just be me based on my history of purchasing these products in the past, I’m seeing an increasing number of different products being advertised to me on social media from a number of companies, all boasting a similar profile of benefits.

As someone who’s got a lot going on with studying for two medicine courses, a PT and nutritionist course, and training hard as an athlete, finding something to optimise my energy and productivity in a healthy way is something that I’m always looking for. Based on this journey, I have come across five different nootropics products that I have tried in recent years and will give you my thoughts on them, the pros and cons, and come up with my recommendations depending on what you want to achieve.

What Is A Nootropic

You may have heard the term “nootropic” also being used by a variety of companies but not actually know what they are. It’s all well and good a company using a new, exciting term when talking about their ingredients but it’s not ideal when you don’t know what they are.

Fear not, as I’m about to teach you something new about what a nootropic is. It was a term coined in 1972 and is a substance that fits the following criteria (

  • Enhance memory and learning ability
  • Help brain function under disruptive conditions
  • Protect the brain from harmful chemical damage
  • Improve neuronal firing mechanisms
  • Lack any sedative, stimulant or toxic effects.

What Is An Adaptogen

Used for hundreds, if not thousands of years when you look at their use in Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine but now are a more common inclusion in food, drinks and supplements but what are they and what do they do inside the body?

Though they have been used for so long, the term “adaptogen” originates from the 1940s and covers herbs and plants that have the following effects on the body (Food Revolution Network, 2020):

  • A non-specific effect within our bodies against a wide array of physical, chemical and biological stressors.
  • Do not cause harm or damage to normal function of the physiology.
  • Support homeostasis within our physiology by combating stressors on the body, giving it the capacity to heal itself.

What Are They Best Used For

Most nootropics and adaptogens found on the market are tailored towards productivity in the form of improving focus, concentration, and ability to learn. There are a number of commonly found adaptogens and nootropics across all products such as Lion’s Mane, Rhodiola Rosea and of course, caffeine. As to what these mainstays are combined with, you’ll find different adaptogens, compounds or herbs that will change the profile of the product, leading to different physiological effects as they try to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

As I discuss each of these products, I’ll show you how each product is different to the other in their make up, leaving you to decide what is going to the be the right product for you, if any at all.

Things To Consider Around Their Use

Like any supplement, there are considerations that need to be made if these are being consumed on a regular basis.

The first thing to consider with most of these products is the caffeine content. With most of them boosting around three figure amounts of caffeine, though they can be easy and tasty to consume, this can lead you to having a substantial amount of caffeine in one day. This is no doubted going to lead to issues stemming from caffeine consumption, such as poor sleep.

Second thing to consider, is the reliance that you may have on these products. They each individually make you feel great and have a noticeable effect on your mental capabilities, and in some instances your physical capabilities. This however, can lead to a reliance on these products to be able to simply function day to day. I mean, who isn’t going to want to consume something that makes them feel better every day.

So the main thing to think about is using them in moderation thus taking time away from consumption to allow you to return to baseline, letting your bodies mechanisms to manage homeostasis to stay active. We have all seen how peoples reliance on caffeine can have deleterious and negative effects on their health and lifestyle, and with such new products on the market to say that prolonged use of these won’t have the same effect.

Review of Four Nootropics I've Used

As I said before, I’m going break down five of the most commonly used nootropics that I have used in the past, and in some instances still do, since I discovered these types of supplements. I will be comparing their price per serving, the type of effects that they have on your mind and body, and when I find them best to be used. I will also be comparing my thoughts on the methods that they are served, their taste and the types of people that I think these nootropics would be best for. These will each be summarised in a pros and cons list at the end of each section for you to then make your own informed decision.

As a disclaimer, these are all based on my own experience and as with anything, how they are metabolised and used in the body though generally the same for most, may be different from person to person. So there may be a huge effect for one person whilst someone sat next to them may only notice a small change.

Additionally to ensure full transparency, I am a brand ambassador for one of these companies and though I enjoy all these products, offering a discount to one in particular may influence your choice.

London Nootropics

This was my first introduction to the world of adaptogens and actually my first ever proper coffee that I’ve purposely had. I was introduced to London Nootropics by my father and decided to look into their products, deciding to try one of their sample boxes. I served myself the Flow blend and sat down to do some blog writing, and within minutes of finishing my first adaptogenic blend, I was astounded by the noticeable improvement in mental function. Since then, London Nootropics have been a mainstay in my nootropic arsenal, being used in a variety of situations depending on the blend. They are a brand that I have the pleasure of being a brand ambassador for, introducing many others to their amazing products.

As I mentioned before, these are adaptogenic coffee blend coming in a number of blends, each bringing about their own physiological effects on the body. The coffee in itself is great tasting, that I have seen and heard being complimented many a time. This makes it an easy and tasty way to consume the adaptions of choice.

The three blends that London new tropics have are as follows:

  • Flow: with Lion’s Mane and Rhodiola. Help with productivity by enhancing your focus, reduce brain fog and improves both short and long-term memory. Best for: studying or tasks that require focus, such as writing a blog.
  • Mojo: with Siberian Ginseng and Cordyceps. Supporting your energy and stamina, whilst improving your immune system and giving you a strong dose of antioxidants. Best for: sporting events or when you need a general pick me up.
  • Zen: with Ashwagandha and L-theanine. This blend will alleviate those mental and physical stressors and anxiety affecting you, returning you to a state of calm. Best for: when feeling stressed either from work or training and need something to pick you up whilst calming the mind.

A massive benefit of these blends is the fact that even for those that are usually sensitive to coffee, typically getting jitters or anxiety, don’t have that when drinking these blends. So if that’s you for example, you don’t have to fear that with these blends, being able to enjoy them without fear.

With these blends being coffee based, it is worth noting that over consumption can for some lead to negative effects to their overall health. I for one know that if I consume too much coffee, no what the brand is, I can end up with really bad acid reflux sometimes leading to GERD. I can tell you, this is majorly unpleasant! This is alongside what I said previously about managing caffeine consumption each day.

Price per serving: £1.25

Available: London Nootropics (Use code quilty for 15%, meaning it’s only £1.06 per serving!), Selfridges, Harrods


  • Tastes great (if you like coffee)
  • Great for those that are typically jittery on coffee
  • Easy to use when the go with it coming in small sachets
  • Effective in giving the wanted effect
  • Cheapest price per serving (even cheaper if you use the discount code!)


  • Coffee can have negative effects, such as acid reflux, for some people if consumed too much.

Spacegoods Rainbow Dust

The first thing that caught my eye with Spacegoods Rainbow Dust is the vibrant packaging that was marketed on social media. The next thing that caught my eye with this product was the number of adaptogens and herbs that were present in one serving.

The method of consumption is similar to that of London Nootropics in it being served as a hot drink however, Spacegoods Rainbow Dust isn’t a coffee. Though the caffeine is from extracting it from the coffee bean, it is instead a hot chocolate based drink. It was the fact that it wasn’t a coffee and instead more a hot chocolate that prompted me to try this product alongside London Nootropics, allowing me to avoid the acid reflux issues that I was having whilst having my daily boost. Since writing this blog, I have seen that they have brought out another blend flavour which I have yet to try.

Comparing the two hot drinks, this blend of ingredients essentially incorporates all three blends on offer from London Nootropics into one mega blend. These are:

  • Lion’s Mane
  • Ashwagandha
  • Cordyceps
  • Maca root
  • Chaga
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Coffee extract
  • Vitamin B5

I will let you go away and individually research each of these ingredients to see what their effects are or else this blog will become a very long one as I explain every ingredient in every product.

As for the benefits that I have had when drinking this, I have always noticed a improvement in mental clarity and ability to be productive whilst feeling a general improvement in well-being and vitality. from what I can recall, I have noticed when I have had small bouts of being unwell, these have cleared up quicker than usual when drinking this.

Looking into the potential downsides of this product, the taste is an acquired one. When sharing this drink with others, I have known people to report that they aren’t a big fan of the taste due to the number of adaptogens and herbs in it. For me, I do enjoy the flavour of the cacao mixed with the earthy notes of the other ingredients and see no issue.

Another thing that may be deemed as a negative compared to something like London new tropics, is the method of serving this drink. Whereas London’s new tropics comes in a pre-measured sachet, rainbow dust is in one large bag requiring you to measure out a serving with a teaspoon quoting the serving is 8g. Depending on how generous or stingy you may be with each teaspoon may mean that you have a higher or lower dose, resulting in using your bag too quickly or not getting a full efficacious dose.

Price per serving: £1.30

Available: Amazon, certain UK high street stores, Spacegoods website


  • Served in (what I think is) a great tasting hot chocolate like blend
  • Has a wide array of adaptogens and herbs giving other benefits other than productivity and focus which are noticed
  • No jitters or anxiety when drinking this
  • Cheaper than most standard hot chocolates or coffees


  • Flavour profile isn’t for everyone
  • Not as convenient and measured as London Nootropics


Neutonic has been a relatively new discovery after it was brought out last year through a collaboration between Chris Williamson and James Smith. Marketed as the worlds first productivity drink, this drink is a lightly carbonated and great tasting drink that contains a number of nootropics and adaptions to help with primarily with productivity and focus.

This is another great product that I would back as something that lives up to the state claims. It is easy to carry around, tastes great and I have always noticed a positive increase in focus and productivity. Based on the ingredients that are included, this increase is long lasting.

Additionally, though it is not marked for sports performance, I have seen an increase in performance when consuming the drink. though this is likely to be due to the high caffeine content and the ginseng that is found in it.

The ingredients list is a simpler one than Spacegoods:

  • Cognizin
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Panax ginseng
  • L-theanine
  • Natural caffeine extract
  • B-vitamin complex (B1, 2, 3, 5, 6,7, 9 & 12)

Out of all the products that I have reviewed in this blog, Neutonic is the most expensive per serving. So when comparing it with the other drinks included in this blog, I would say that it is value for money as it has always worked very well for me and those around me that I know who have tried it. It also gives you a different method of increasing your productivity too if you’re not feeling a hot drink or are on the move.

Price per serving: £2.50

Available: Amazon, Neutonic website


  • Taste amazing (almost too good and moreish)
  • Long lasting effect
  • Very noticeable effect
  • Served in a can, making it easy to carry around and consume on the go


  • Price per serving is highest
  • Processed a lot more than other products, if a consideration for you
  • Has been very popular and selling out on a regular basis

Protein Works Endless Nootropic

As a regular customer of Protein Works, it was hard to resist wanting to try their advertised Endless Nootropic product. I wanted to see what this product was like and test out what affects it has on me physiologically, and how that translates into increased productivity, in particular wanting to note how it could be different.

Coming in a range of flavours, Endless Nootropic is a powder-based supplement that is mixed into water to give you the boost that you need mentally and physically. Compared to the other products that I have spoken about, this one utilises various compounds, vitamins and minerals to elicit a boost in performance. So the first thing to consider is that it is definitely more processed.

The ingredients list is this:

  • Choline bitartrate
  • L-tyrosine
  • Taurine
  • DMAE bitartrate
  • Black pepper extract
  • Caffeine anhydrous
  • L-theanine
  • Vitamins C, B5, B6, B12
  • Calcium
  • Folic acid
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium

I found the best way to consumers product was slowly throughout the morning giving you energy for the rest of the day due to the slow release of the caffeine due to it being mixed with L-theanine. I feel that this product is an acquired taste, especially if you aren’t a fan of flavours that are tangy.

With it, I definitely found an increased level of alertness, ability to focus and do work, and later in the day, increased performance when training. With this product, the effects of it are strong and I believe this is been down to the significant amount of caffeine found in this product, which is 150mg per serving. Maybe at times, I found it could be a bit too much but that could be just me and how my body processes the ingredients.

The other thing that is noticeable with this product is the very strong taste. Now this may be down to the first flavour that I tried was the Green Apple Kick, but it is one that certainly tickles the taste buds.

As much as I have enjoyed this product, I have noticed that sometimes it can taste very chemically, which makes it slightly unpleasant at times to drink. When compared to the more natural products as mentioned earlier, though this may be due to me being more health conscious, sometimes I find that there is a slight unease about what other effects this product may be having on my system.

Price per serving: £1.50

Available: Amazon, Protein Works website


  • Long lasting energy
  • Very noticeable improvement


  • A little more awkward to carry around and serve if not done before leaving the house
  • Taste can be too much for some
  • Can have a chemically taste/aftertaste

Overall Thoughts

My overall thoughts about the four products that I have discussed here is that they all provide a boost in productivity, which is the main purpose. With some of them there is an additional boost in physical performance which is an added bonus.

I don’t think that anyone neotropical is a standout winner as they all have their own merits. They all have a different ideal situation that they can be used and that will come down to the individual that is buying them.

For me, I utilise all of them in my lifestyle based upon what I’m doing that day and if I were to advise anybody, it would be to do the same.

The best advice that I can give, is for you to test each product out see what you like and don’t like about each one and then create your own inventory of products to help you with your productivity and performance.

Though I will reiterate here again, these products should not be a substitute to sleeping well, looking after your overall health and well-being, and eating the right foods to boost your capabilities. Unfortunately for some, products like these are relied upon to get them through day-to-day when actually they should be a boost when needed in specific circumstances or to enhance what should be an already high baseline.

If you are unable to mentally function, or are tired on a day-to-day basis, or feel that the only way to get through the day is through caffeine consumption, then I would advise you to look into your health and lifestyle and optimise areas in that. Or else using products like this may lead to burnout and/or other effects on your health.

I hope that you have found this blog useful and has given you insight into the world of new tropics for those of you that when you to it, and helps you decide if these are products that you may want to incorporate into your life. As ever use this as a guide to inform your own choices, the than a set of rules.

Found this blog useful, be sure to share it with others that you think would find it useful. Be sure to go and check out the products that I have listed, enjoy them sensitively should you decide to invest, and of course, head to my social media links down below so that you can follow me and be one of the 1st to see when I publish articles in the future. as an added bonus, the content that I create on there also will help support you to live a healthier lifestyle making you happier and able to live more optimised life.