Recommend Photography Locations & Inspiration In Nottingham

Nottingham is a city steeped in history and culture, making it a great location for you to explore with a camera. Robin Hood, castles, old and contemporary architecture, major sporting teams, the list goes on with what's on offer.  To help you out with where to find some of these locations,…

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Photography Locations in The Lake District

Knowing the natural beauty that the Lake District holds, you may be left wondering why I would need to write this blog post. Surely all you need to do is head out with your camera in hand and start finding some amazing photographs. That may be the case however, the…

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My Adriatic Adventure – My Thoughts on Zagreb, Croatia

I always love the summer and I love it even more when I can go away and throughly explore a nation with a few weeks available to play with. After the successes of the time that I had in exploring Italy (if you missed this series of cities, Napoli, Rome,…

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Part Three Of My Brilliant Italian Easter – Discovering Florence

As I left Rome and my fantastic time there in the rear view mirror, I was next moving on to the next city on my Italian tour: Florence. Though only slightly north from Rome, I had a feeling this city was going to offer me a very different experience overall,…

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