It’s usually hyperbole when people use the phrase “a life changing experience” however, in this instance for me and many of those that were in attendance, the 100 Human Experience was exactly that. It was a life changing experience. I mean that with sincerity and this blog is going to explain to you why I came away thinking and feeling this way. By the end of this article, I’m sure you’re going to want to become one of those 100 humans that came together and left changed people.
I came into this weekend with a variety intentions and expectations of what I was going to gain from it after seeing the videos and photographs that were produced after the last edition. Though I had these preconceptions, I wanted to go into things with an open mind and little did I know how much of an effect it was going to have on me.
I laughed. I cried. I questioned. I listened. I received. I loved. I overcame. I released. I unlocked. I found. I connected.
A powerful weekend. A journey with a collective of people that brought so much. So much that was needed. It has refreshed me and given me guidance on a path from which I was once lost.
After reading those sentences above, you must be left wondering “Well, what happened?” and/or “In what way?”. The best way for me to answer these questions would be for me to explain briefly what each of these ceremonies are meant to do and what came to me after each one. However, I want to keep it candid as to what each session actually entails. This unknown is something that I feel had an influence on my experience as I went into them not knowing fully what was about to happen. If you really, really, REALLY want the spoilers though, I’m more than happy for you to contact me and I’ll happily go through it all in detail.
As I go through this blog, I will be talking freely about my emotions, thoughts and feelings but if you were to do something like this, don’t take it that you will feel or think the same. We all have our own unique make up and will have our own unique reactions to the sessions that are held.

In itself, this wasn’t a session but something that I got so much of during the experience. Being surrounded by 99 other people that not only are like minded but are open to the experience and what it may bring is a magical moment. We were all in the same situation of being new to each other and to some of the experiences. However, even with that, everyone was ready to talk to each other, embrace the sessions with full gusto and be there when needed.
With those that I had only just met, I felt comfortable with being able to be vulnerable, being open and with them, I was able to make several breakthrough that were much needed and could never have done on my own. I felt like I had found the closest thing to my own tribe and would very much love the share the company with every one of those people that I met again.
You may be wondering where I’m going from this. Again, this wasn’t a stand out session and completely optional but for me seemed right.
I disconnected.
“But Reece, you were just talking about how good you found becoming connected?!”.
Not that that kind of disconnect but digitally disconnected. Upon arrival on the Saturday, the phone went off without explanation to those in the outside world and immersed myself into being human without outside influence. Just how it once was for our beings.
It was glorious! This was refreshing and for me, was a massive contributing factor to helping me get into each session fully. My mind wasn’t wondering off to think about who I needed to reply to, a post I needed to put up or what’s going on in the world. I enjoyed this so much so that I was disappointed when I had to break this and turn it back on to actually sort out accommodation that evening after keep putting it off.
The only exception to this was when I got my camera out to capture some images of the experience under the night sky and in the morning during a glorious sunrise.

Playing. Something that we don’t do enough of as adults and something that we need to incorporate in our lives more. This will bring joy to people’s lives and allow us to move in a more functional way, bringing better health to ourselves physiologically, in joints, muscles and mobility, and mentally.
Opening the weekend with this session, after the initial opening ceremony, allowed a lot of barriers to be broken and for people to get comfortable with themselves and around a group of strangers of whom they were going to be sharing some deeper and more vulnerable sessions with.
Aside from the joyous nature and the meeting of new people, I found these sessions to be great to help open the body, to start moving in a more functional way and for me to recognise where I had issues, tightness and where I’m being held back within my physiology.
Voice Awakening
This session can have a couple of benefits depending on what it is you struggle with. You could either struggle with using your voice and being vocal, meaning you trap a lot in your throat chakra. Well, this will allow you to open it up. Or you could have a lot of pent up emotion that you need to release one way or another. Again, this is the exercise for you to allow you to scream and shout without judgement.
Having an awakened voice is not something that I have struggled with in the past, as some will well and truly know from my rather talkative nature! However, it was a useful exercise to allow me let out anything that I needed to. It brought collective joy and sense of strong together.
One moment that I really felt something during this was the collective chanting and humming as a group, changing the frequency of the environment thus the feeling everyone had.
Ice Bath
The warm embrace of the cold. Something that I have a love/hate relationship with but realise and know so many of the benefits that it brings. So when the time comes, there’s only one thing for it: give the cold a warm embrace back. For some, this can be quite a step but so often, people will come out not disappointed that they took the plunge.
During and after, I always feel more alive. I have mental clarity. I feel strength in my resolve. This is on top of all the benefits that are going on without my recognition.
Admittedly, this one blinded sided me a little bit. I anticipated some body alignment knowing the individual who was taking it but I was pleasantly surprised by the session that they led and without giving too much away, I’ll leave it at that!
It was a great time to reflect. A time to reflect on my conduct and whether it has been in line with my true values, most prominently over the last couple of years. It allowed me to set intentions for how I act in the future as well as recognising what reasons and excuses I have been using to not live as true I would wish to.
As the last thing in the weekend, it was great to reflect on what I got from the experience and what I would be taking away from it; allowing me to start processing the amazing things that had happened.
Ecstatic Dance
Dance is something that has always been important to us as an organism, evident from how much it is not only showcased within tribal life but “conventional” society with people’s love for festivals and nights at bars and nightclubs. Little do people realise though, with the right intentions it can be a really powerful exercise to release pent up energy. Moving, grooving and shaking can help loosen us up and allow certain emotions and trauma to be freed from our bodies.
As I embarked on the journey of the session, it told a story for me. Once we were in the tent and the music was playing (here’s the playlist for those of you who want relive the moment or intrigued what it contained), intuition took over and I started to sway and shake, letting the remnants of pent up emotion be released, as I looked to the skies and cried again. As the playlist developed, the music took over. With it came the joy of just letting go and dancing and suddenly, it all made sense! It made sense as to why I was hooked on going to festival and events that entailed dancing. They were my forms of ecstatic dance without me realising.
My way of letting it all go of things that I’d been harbouring. It was my out and my way of coping.
Another thing that I realised when I occasionally opened my eyes and made eye contact with others, instinctively there were only certain people that I wanted to share the moment with but I had a realisation about it. I realised that a lot of what I was doing in situations akin to this, such as festivals, parties and night clubs, was trying to garner the attention and affirmation of other people and would start to influence my actions.
Because of this, I returned to my eyes being closed to allow for me to take the journey that I need to without external influence, whether conscious or subconscious.
Part of the dance for me was about continuing that release of pent up energy that has been in there for what could be a very long time and the actualisation of that was powerful! What felt and looked like I was gathering up and releasing some sort of energy to the skies above, as I did this more and more, I started laughing joyfully. What started as a smirk became a smile became a chuckle became a full belly laugh.
As this energy continued to be released, I realise now that will be what sparked my final outburst of crying during the final part. The final part of the session was for me one final, full release of crying that was much needed whilst in our stillness again and only then, did I feel fully at ease with whatever was wanting and needing to be released. Which upon completion, I sat outside my bell tent, feeling more at ease with everything.

Cacao Ceremony
This ceremony will allow you to embrace and be embraced by Mother Cacao. Allow you to reconnect with the nature that you are. As an individual, as a collective, as a being of nature’s creation. It will encourage you allow yourself once again to reconnect with your love and compassion for other people, opening up your heart and not be afraid to feel and show emotion. This is something to our detriment as a collective. Vulnerability is something people are afraid to feel and show to others. In the right circumstances, it’s needed.
Setting intention for this one is key and I allowed my subconscious to lead the way for this one again, without judgement. When asked what my intentions were for this ceremony, I internally requested “clarity” and “recovery” from Mother Cacao if she would be so kind to grant this for me.
For me, this ceremony gave me so much. So much that I didn’t realise that I needed in certain areas of my life. It gave me clarity, it gave me guidance, it gave me reassurance and it gave me a path that I could once again follow. It also subconsciously showed me what was linking some of the ideas and problems in my life together, identifying where some of the trauma was being held after the breath work breakthroughs.
I was given clarity on:
Where I was to move away from home to
What I needed to do with certain relationship and friendships that weren’t serving as well as which ones
When I was to conduct a large running event
A path to recover from the habits and behaviours that were not serving me
What was linking various elements of my life together and the lynch pin in much of the trauma and doubt I held within myself
Given reassurance that this was the way to go and that it would work out, as I had many doubts about the answers I had
A byproduct of the ceremony was in the final phase of it, where I had more of an emotional release through a small amount of crying that needed to come out during such an emotionally charged setting.
Breath Work
Many people overlook the power of the breath, much to their detriment. I have experienced the power of it in some instances when it comes to charging my body and/or meditating but nothing like this. Breath work can put you in a state whereby any traumas or emotions you are holding on to can escape. This was the premise of the first breath work session. The second one was more attuned and guided to stirring up a certain emotion as guided. One for ourselves, one to share with those around us and one to project to all those who need love and compassion in their lives.
Wow. This stuff was powerful for me, in particular the first session. Very powerful. As the stillness came over me and the protective walls had been brought down, the overwhelming emotion that I had building up in me was to cry. And I cried. Admittedly, it wasn’t easy to allow myself to go without the judgement and stories in my head that I built up around being vulnerable in front of all these people and this is where self care needed to come in to tell myself that “It’s OK” to let go. During my crying, I had various mental images that came into my head that to me signified what this emotion was attached to, which to me made sense.
Though I feel that to an extent, I left some of this needed release in there, this was released bit by bit during the other sessions.
Now, how profound and what I got from these sessions by no means reflects on the people that ran them, as they all had their individual plaudits and did a fantastic job in holding the space each time. Nor will it reflect what you would find the most impactful should you experience this weekend. We are all unique, we all have our own areas we need someone else to help us open the door to realise.
Where someone may have experience with breath work and it would be just another experience unlike, they may struggle with awakening their voices and expressing themselves fully, whereas my friends and family would vouch, I don’t usually have a problem with this… Even in written format sometimes!
Which appropriately brings me on to a section that I think is only right after everything that was given to me:

Thank Yous
It is only right in my eyes that all those involved in facilitating this amazing experience are given the appropriate recognition for the space that they held and what they were able to provide me and the other people that embarked on this journey of self discovery. There’s so much I could write here as the emotion and gratitude that I feel somehow transcribes to the words I’m typing however, I’ll do my best to keep it concise.
Magic of Foresters
An element that could very easily be overlooked as though they didn’t hold space but they held every space: the location, Magic of Foresters. What a lovely site it is. Perfect to be able to immerse away from the roaring outside world whilst being at one with nature and those humans around.
Firstly, to all those that attended. What an awesome bunch of people you all were and it was great to connect with new people, those I’ve connected with online but not in person, and those I’ve had the pleasure of meeting before. Alongside from the sessions, you guys were very much part of facilitating the experience.
Sharing stories around the fire, having a laugh and joke with each other, and sharing the rawest of emotions with each other. I appreciated the ability to be vulnerable and authentic around you all. Able to release the real, raw Reece.
Artur Paulins
Thank you, Artur. Though I got a lot from both of the breath work sessions that were hosted, it was the first of them that had the biggest impact on me. As I said to you in person, the way you hosted the space was amazing, calming, reassuring and very easy to follow. Your ability to coach, assist and guide those through the ice bath too was great and I definitely heard many singing your praises afterwards. For me, the breakthrough that I had during your session was huge and that was definitely down to your guidance.
Chris James
Thank you, Chris. Firstly, it was great to finally meet you in person and what an awesome, grounded person you are to be around. A brilliant person to be able to turn to and open up if required and always accommodating. The way you held the space for your session was brilliant and even for someone that reflects upon themselves a decent amount (maybe somewhat too much at times), I still left me with questions and things to contemplate about me as I move forward.
Kate Lister
Thank you, Kate. The joy you behold flowed through the space you held, bringing everyone to together who all left with smiles on their faces. Even the inclement weather couldn’t dampen the mood! The latter parts of it really showed the power of the collective who were all brought on to the same frequency, which was well curated by yourself. A well balanced approach to combining having fun and facilitating that awakening.
Chris Geisler
Thank you, Chris. The way that you curated the backing to the journey during your session was perfectly put together to lead everyone’s journey as they needed it to go. As with everyone else, your support to myself and all those around was great to have, allowing the ability to free and open. It was great to have met you and have some good chats, especially on our adventures!
Nina Bubamara
Thank you, Nina. It was a pleasure to have met you. There was a lot of power in your session that set the scene perfectly for people to have the ability to have the experience that they did. During the weekend too, some of the breakthroughs that I had during conversations which you were involved in were very much needed and I really appreciated the safe place to have those.
Jeff Lester
Thank you, Jeff. What an amazing human being you are! The light certainly does shine through. The pace and way the cacao ceremony was conducted was perfect and I think a lot of people would agree that it brought a lot out for them that they may never have realised. This was all alongside your support all through the weekend for myself and many others during the various other sessions.
Tony Riddle
Finally, and by no means least, thank you, Tony. Thank you so very much for the having not only the vision for the experience but also the ambition of trusting the process and creating something that has stood the test of time by it growing, changing the lives of all those have have attended, one way or another. Thank you for finding the perfect group of coaches that made the experience what it was and for the hard work that goes unseen into organising and setting up something like this. This is on top of all the other life changing work that you do by inspiring and guiding so many people to live a healthier and more human way.
A true inspiration, a guiding light and a voice of reason and wisdom to so many. Thank you.
With the utmost sincerity to all those involved, thank you.
I am grateful.
That wraps up my experience of the 100 Human Experience. I can only hope that I have been able to put across a fraction of what this weekend meant for me and what I got from it, enticing you into considering the next iteration for yourself. If you do, you won’t regret it and I’m sure you’ll find it just as profound as I did.
This was only my human experience.
Finally, if you enjoyed this blog, then be sure to check out some of the other pieces that I have written by clicking on one fo the attached articles or using the categories at the time, giving you tips and tricks on how and where to travel, how to change your lifestyle to bring you better health or my journey into the world of photography. The other thing to consider if you’ve enjoyed my posts would finding me on one of the following, where you’ll come across:
- Instagram – My photography, day to day life and post announcements.
- Twitter – My thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics and post announcements.
- Facebook – Post announcements.
I know you want to and you won’t regret it! See you over there!