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Thought Provoking, Interesting and Mind Expanding Podcast Recommendations

The information that we take in everyday influences us in many ways and today, more than ever, we need to be careful of the what we take in and where this comes from. When you have mainstream media in the form of TV, newspapers and day time TV  bombarding you 24/7 with messaging, advertisements and news both subtle and not so subtle, it’s always good to take yourself away from it and diversify the information stream that you’re getting from day to day. This gives you a different perspective to both life and the events that are going on around us, as well as informing you of something that you may not have gained other otherwise as most, if not all, media streams come with their flaws.
One of the forms of media that I have embraced over the last year or so has been that given in the form of podcasts and if I’m honest, is probably the most likely thing that I listen to instead of music every day. I listen to music very rarely unless I’m working. My interest in this form of content started with YouTube versions of the conversations with channels such as Tom Bilyeu with Impact Theory , which led to Rich Roll. From there, I finally delved in downloading these podcasts in Apple Podcasts along side the music ones that I’d only been listening to up to now.

The Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll’s podcast was the first one that I embraced on the Apple Podcast app after seeing his talk with Impact Theory and then following on with his chat with none other than David Goggins. (If it’s inspriation and motivation you need, he’s your man!) From here, I’ve had my mind opened to so many other people, be it sports star, author, activists for the good of the planet and, professor and scientists across many different fields.
As a plant based athletic, environmentalist and believer in the best for human health and wellbeing on an individual and societal level, all of his podcasts have had been tremendous in highlighting so many overlooked issues within the world and giving guidance to so many on how to tackle such issues, improving both your life and those around us, as well as giving life back to Mother Nature.
An example of one of the Rich Roll Podcast episodes.
The thing that I love most about Rich’s podcast is the gentle nature of the warm conversations that unfold in your ears, making it easy to sit and listen to whilst you’re running, doing house work or sitting down and taking 5 minutes. It’s almost become a morning ritual for me to get ready to Rich’s voice.
What have I gained from his podcast? For me, this has been the most mind blowing podcast on so many fronts. Giving light to the a lot of science that isn’t seen in the mainstream media (reasons could be debated another time, let me know down below if you’d want that), a lot of what I’ve learned has been from the many sports personalities, scientists, doctors and authors featured on this podcast. These have covered topics from how to change your brain with Dr Andrew Huberman to changing the way you think and process information with Adam Grant, from feats of human endeavour and overcoming hardship with people like David Goggins to life changing health science with Dr Zach Bush; from spirituality and living life in a positive and productive way with Rich’s wife Julie Piatt (or SriMati) to power of breath and what it’s capable of with Wim Hof. I’ve picked up so much from this podcast and implore anyone and everyone to listen to it.
Alongside all of this, there have been plenty of book recommendations that I’ve gained from the many creators that have been featured, starting with Rich’s amazing book which for me changed my life
Platform: Apple Podcast, Spotify and YouTube

Joe Rogan Experience

One of, if not, the biggest podcasts worldwide, the Joe Rogan Experience (or JRE) is a long standing podcast hosted by Joe Rogan, who is also known for this stand-up comedy and MMA commentary for the UFC. These podcasts are great, long winded conversations that don’t really have any structure and the way that the conversation is so nature and doesn’t hold back in any area. Highly, highly recommend and I’ve found are particularly good for long drives.
Usually lasting around the 3 hour mark, give or take an hour, the conversations will cover a variety of different topics, all depending on who the guest is for that show. They usually start of talking about the recent successes or projects of the guest and from there, just flow in whichever way they naturally take.
The guest list across the years has something for everyone with attendees varying from business magnate Elon Musk to famous rapper Kanye West; from former CIA agent Mike Baker to MMA stars such Max Holloway; from human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali to former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. The list of people goes on and on and on, all providing their own topics and insight to their work, the world around us and whatever route the conversation takes.
What have I gained from his podcasts? First of all, when Joe has a fellow comedian on, these are bloody hilarious! I’ve often been left in tears when listening to those podcasts and can make any drive or run fly by! That’s not just what I’ve gained from these though. I’ve learned a lot about plenty of people when it comes to their back story, what they doing and the causes they stand for, as well as numerous topics to take forward in life and with the length of the conversations going on, you have a wide variety of information that you can take from each podcast. Whether it be health, sport, nutrition, the ins and outs of a person’s life that you never had before or discussing complex issues, this has everything. Thankfully due to the style of the podcast, you are able to hear about other points of view from across all spectrums without the usual conflict you get online between people, leaving you able to make your own mind up and critically think about the issue at had.
Platform: Spotify, clips posted to YouTube

Russell Brand Under The Skin

Recently, I’ve become quite a big fan of Russell Brand and his work after he’s turned his life around for the better. After hearing him on a couple of podcasts, I picked up his book Recovery, which was a very insight read into his background but how he managed to kick addiction. For a while, the trail went cold until I came across him on Instagram and YouTube, watching a few of his videos at the back end of last year and they just resonated with me. From here, I learned of his podcast Under The Skin, took the dive on Apple Podcasts before being convinced and subscribing now on Luminary, showing in a short space of time that it’s been worth every penny.
Often used as my podcast to unwind with at the end of the day as I stretch off, I really enjoy the variety of guests hosted by Russell and his team, covering a wide array of topics about health mentally and physically, spirituality and the directions we are going as a species politically and socially, along with so many more. One of my favourite elements of this podcast what is now branded as “The Banter Decanter” at the start and finish of each podcast between Russell and his producer Jenny May. This always leaves me laughing out loud at the chemistry and sense of humour between the two, providing a cheerful light touch to the end of the day.
What have I gained from his podcast? Even though this podcast has been a recent addition (on date of writing), there have been many insightful episodes that I have listened to already. The guests that I’ve heard being featured and have listened to give a lot of superb guidance on spirituality, ideology, looking after yourself mentally and physically, and having in-depth discussions about their areas of expertise and how we can improve ourselves and those around us with this information.
Platform: Luminary (Subscription based), short segments on Apple Podcasts, clips posted to YouTube and Instagram

The Jordan B Peterson Podcast

Jordan Peterson was thrust into the public eye only a few years ago due to his stance against laws in Canada compelling speech and since then has gone from strength to strength as more and more people discovered his work and were exposed to him as he was interviewed for news channels invited for debates. It was during this rise to fame that he produced his international bestseller, “12 Rules For Life; An Antidote To Chaos”, which I’m currently enjoying as I’m writing this blog and will have a review in due course I’m sure. He has authored one book prior to this called Maps of Meaning. As he popularity grew based on his psychology based teachings on all topics affecting each and everyone of us, he received more and more lectures opportunities, snowballing his fame. It is off the back of this that he has managed to change and improve the lives of millions worldwide.
If you have followed Jordan’s story, you may be aware that in the recent year or two, he unfortunately had some medical and family complications that … but thankfully, he and his family are now on the road to recovery, which is both great for them and celebrated by many around the world, myself included. During this recovery, he wrote his next book “Beyond Order; 12 More Rules For Life”, which I’m lining up to get into completion 12 Rule For Life.
A newer podcast on my go to listens and this one, I must admit, is often a high level conservation that is unfolds between and I’m often being left behind somewhat, much like Mikhaila (Jordan’s daughter) when she features. However, as detailed in one of his episodes that I’ve heard with Gaad Sad, when exposed to higher levels of comprehension than your current understanding, you tend to pick it up until you can. This is something that I feel has been occurring with Jordan’s work, both written and spoken.
What have I gained from his podcast? This podcast gives me an insight in the root causes on a psychological level of some of the issues that we are facing both as a society and a species, with the detailed insights into the psychological aspect from the expertise of Dr Peterson and his guests. With knowing the root cause of these issues, it allows the listener to personally relate to whatever it may be and make the corrections that they may require in their life.
Platform: Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube

Real Talk With Zuby Podcast

Another recent addition to my podcast playlist after coming across Zuby via Twitter as the events of 2020 unfolded and I immediately resonated with the message that he was putting across on many of the world’s current events. From here, I saw that he shared his podcast and it only made sense for me to tune in and see what he’s talking about.
From listening to a selection of his podcasts, it was exactly as it said on the tin: real talk. Tackling some of the biggest issues and crossroads plaguing the modern world, he invites on some of the biggest thinkers, commentators and shapers of the world to help break down these issues, what’s causing them and find a solution. This leaves the listener things that they can take forward in life so that the world can hopefully become a better place for many people and stop dividing itself, seeming ripping itself apart.
What have I gained from his podcast? So far, I’ve been introduced to some incredible thinkers and influential people such as Gaad Sad, Max Keiser and Bret Weinstein to name but a few and their respective works and fields. Alongside this, it’s introduced to insights that I’d never thought of and suggestions as to what is causing the world and society to unfold into the landscape that it is today.
Platform: Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube
I hope you are able to take at least one of these recommendations here, add it to your podcast downloads and expand your mind, horizons and, health and wellbeing. I have managed to not only gain a lot of knowledge from these but also plenty of book recommendations from those featured and some great people to follow to continue that knowledge expansion. Of course, I would love for people to give me some suggestions so either comment them down below or message me on my social media accounts!
If you’re new to the blog, why don’t you stick around and see some of the other articles that I’ve written by using the links around this page or the categories at the top of th page. Alongside that, I would definitely head over to my social media pages using the links down below. Be sure to follow me across them all to hear about when I publish my blogs and check them out to get an insight into life behind the scenes of QuiltyCovers. Until next time, QuiltyCovers signing off!

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